“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich.” — 2 Corinthians 8:9-10


Our God is a God of Radical Generosity. Radical generosity is generosity that flows from an encounter with this radically generous God we meet in the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the gospel takes root in our lives, it becomes the story that shapes, informs, and defines the decisions and direction of our lives. So, just like Christ, we gladly become poor, giving sacrificially of our lives to enrich the lives of others. Just as our Savior poured himself out to rescue and enrich our lives, so we would pour out our lives to rescue and enrich the lives of others – not just friends and family, but even those who are removed from us.



Give online

Easy and secure. Give a one-time gift or schedule a repeating gift using your checking account, debit, or credit card. We would ask you to consider the checking account option as the cost to the church is significantly less. 

Give on the app

Download the Church Center app and follow the instructions to choose Church at the Cross. On the app, you’ll also be able to see your giving history and download statements whenever you like.

Cash + checks

Please make checks payable to Church at the Cross. These checks may be dropped off in the offering box in the Atrium or during church office hours.

Give by mail

Send checks to the church office:

Church at the Cross
3000 William D Tate Grapevine, Texas 76051